Healthy Financial Planning Leads to Healthy Life

In this crucial world, financial planning is the most vital parameter to lead a happy life. No matter how much resources we have, only if we have some proper financial planning we will be able to succeed in our life. Financial planning starts at a very young age and lasts until death. It starts with spending the pocket money that […]

Importance of Budgeting

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #1 Gives you control over your money #2 Keeps your focused for your money goals #3 Makes you aware what is going on with your money #4 Helps you organize your spendings and savings #5 Make you decide in advance how your money will work for you #6 Enables you to save for expected and unexpected costs […]

Why it’s important to get RESPs for your Children

Invest in your future Scientist, Solar Energy Expert, Astronaut It’s one of the smartest strategies to secure your child’s future Government of Canada contributes to your child’s RESP through its grant programs – CESG and CLB The money is there when you need it Free money from Govt. of Canada $7,200 Canada Education Savings Grant (CESG) Canada Learning Bond (CLB) […]

Need versus Want

Don’t let your Short-Term Happiness Rob your Long-Term Joy HAVING A CLEAR UNDERSTANDING AND ABILITY TO DISTINGUISH BETWEEN “WHAT YOU NEED” VS. “WHAT YOU WANT”, IS AN IMPORTANT STEP TOWARDS SUCCESSFUL MONEY MANAGEMENT. You should be able to categorize your needs and wants clearly in order to use your money wisely. Needs are non-negotiable absolute requirements of your life. Wants are not […]

Organizational skills

Skill Set Every Smart Leader Needs Time management Scheduling The Ability to Plan Delegation Resources  Cooperation Skills Priorities Management  Self-Care Maintaining Efficiency  Setting Targets and Goals Clear Communication