Dhan Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji
Guru Nanak Dev Ji was the first Guru and founder of Sikhism, a poet, a wandering religious teacher, a social reformer, and a householder. The experience of one God, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, and beyond all form and name, determined every thought and deed of Guru Nanak. The social doctrine denying caste which Guru Nanak preached must be seen in the light of his experience of a God before whom all men are equal. His wanderings should be acknowledged as an attempt to engage in dialogue with others and to spread his belief in one God who teaches tolerance. Guru Nanak’s later life as a householder should be perceived as his compliance of God’s command to all men to act responsibly within the world. Finally, the bani Guru Nanak composed and the passing of his Guruship to his successor can only be understood as devotional acts meant to instill among his followers a continued dedication to God.
– Prof. Harbans Singh (1975)

Guru Nanak belongs to the category of those great men who are not the monopoly of any particular sect, creed or religion, but are common to the whole human race. The following popular saying of Punjab neatly epitomizes the public feelings of respect and reverence for him:
Guru Nanak Shah Faqir
Hindu ka Guru, Musalman ka Pir
Guru Nanak believed in a catholic, dynamic and comprehensive concept of religion. Throughout his life, he incessantly strove to bridge the gulf between the various communities and culture-groups of India and preached to them the gospel of truth, love, honesty and moral integrity. The fact that, when he died, the Hindus claimed his body for cremation and the Muslims for burial shows the extent to which he had succeeded in bridging the gulf between the Hindus and the Muslims by setting a personal example. – K.A Nizami (1975)